Toby O’Brien and Doing the Impossible

Revised 5/25/2024 Originally posted May 23, 2014: There were three times when I was an electrician at a coal-fired Power Plant in North Central …Toby O’Brien and Doing the Impossible

Runaway Fire Hydrant Leaves Power Plant in the Dark

Revised 5/12/2024 Originally posted May 17, 2014: Don’t believe it when the Electric Company tells you that the reason your town lost electricity for…Runaway Fire Hydrant Leaves Power Plant in the Dark

A Power Plant Backstabbing Experience

Revised 11/11/2023 Originally posted December 7, 2013: Usually when I write a Power Plant Man post, the story is about the Power Plant Men and Women …A Power Plant Backstabbing Experience

Why Do Power Plant Men always Lose the Things they Love the Most?

Revised 10/7/2023 Originally posted November 9, 2013: One of the things I loved the most about being an electrician at the coal-fired Power Plant in …Why Do Power Plant Men always Lose the Things they Love the Most?