New Bill Seeks to Provide New York State Warehouse Workers with Additional Injury Protections | Workplace Safety and Environmental Law Alert Blog

By Bernard Olshansky and Patrick D. Joyce

Seyfarth Synopsis: Expanding a law enacted in 2022, New York’s legislature passed another bill that seeks to limit warehouse-related injuries by requiring employers to establish and implement an injury reduction program, evaluate certain jobs for ergonomic injury risks, correct risk factors, and provide injury reduction training.

Background: New York State’s Commitment to Warehouse Worker Protection

In 2022, New York State passed the Warehouse Worker Protection Act (2022 WWPA). The 2022 WWPA requires covered companies to disclose production quotas to warehouse workers. It also prohibits companies from adopting quotas that would prevent employees from taking legally protected breaks, and prohibits retaliation against employees who do not meet an undisclosed quota. The 2022 WWPA contains a provision allowing employees to request quota-related information without fear of retaliation.

Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Program: Status and Overview

Passed by both houses of New York’s legislature (Senate and Assembly) but not yet delivered to the Governor for signature, the Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Program (S5081 / A8907) requires employers to establish an injury reduction program designed to identify and minimize the risks of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders (a/k/a ergonomics injuries) among workers involved in performing manual materials handling tasks.
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